
JuiceDefender saves battery power (lots of it!) by controlling the mobile data connection, WiFi, Background data, Auto Sync and other battery-hungry components.

You can schedule regular activation to let background synchronization occur, have connectivity always enabled while the screen is on, and much more! It also helps in minimizing distractions ;)

The Easy Mode is a no-fuss one-click way to let your battery last longer - much longer. Just enable JuiceDefender by tapping on the big button and you're ready to go!

If you want more fine-grained control, try Advanced Mode, where you can configure the many JuiceDefender features to your liking.

Should you Download JuiceDefender? Yes! Must Have Android App! [Android Tapp]

JuiceDefender is an app that you won't believe you lived without.  You will be impressed by the amount of battery that you actually save, and might even consider buying the paid version! [Best Android Apps Review]

I went from 16 hours of use to 48 with a Nexus One. [...] I wholeheartedly recommend this killer, beta app. [DroidDog]

Can’t get much better than that. [designerati daily]

For a free Android application, JuiceDefender offers quite a number of impressive battery-saving features. [Daily News 1001]

For Android users i highly recommend JuiceDefender: Use the Juice when you need it, save it when you don't! [lo-ga-rie]

Besides the battery savings, those who like to parse out their email checks and avoid minute-by-minute distractions see some benefit here, too. [lifehacker]

JuiceDefender can automatically control on your behalf mobile Data/APN/Sync, 2G/3G toggling, WiFi, Screen off/Screen lock Timeouts, maximum CPU frequency (all but Data/APN/Sync require UltimateJuice).
Note that not all of these are available on all handsets - please refer to the Compatibility Matrix section in the FAQ.

There are a number of triggers for the enable/disable behaviour:
Schedule - keep the connectivity enabled or disabled all the time, or enable it briefly on a regular interval (every 5 minutes to 2 hours), to let background data sync occur (email, Twitter, Facebook, stock quotes...). If Quick is enabled the connectivity stays enabled for a shorter period; this potentially saves the most battery, but you should also enable the Traffic trigger to make sure all data is synced.
Night (requires UltimateJuice) - keep the connectivity disabled during night time; you can also optionally put the phone in Silent Mode or Airplane Mode.
Battery - disable the connectivity when battery gets below a specified percentage
Charger - keep the connectivity enabled while the handset is being charged.
Traffic - don't disable the connectivity until data transfers are completed - useful to make sure that syncs aren't interrupted, or for streaming radio apps etc.
Peak (requires UltimateJuice) - keep the connectivity enabled during work hours, if you need to be instantly reachable via email/IM/VoIP etc.
Apps - you can choose which apps will keep the connectivity enabled (Pandora, last.fm...) and which will disable it (games, offline reading...)
Screen - keep the connectivity enabled while the screen is on (or just when it's unlocked) to allow browsing, tweeting, procrastination and general internet-powered enjoyment, regardless of scheduled events and battery level.
Location (requires UltimateJuice) - disable WiFi when the handset is not in range of any known WiFi network. The location is determined via the cellular network, so it's usually quite coarse. It's a fully automatic set-it-and-forget-it WiFi manager!

Triggers are listed in ascending priority order - this means, for example, that when the screen is on the connectivity will be enabled even when the battery is low, or that the regular schedule won't occur during the night period.

Note that triggers will only enable WiFi/Background data/Auto Sync if you have explicitly turned them on - if you turn any one off manually, your decision will be remembered and no trigger will turn it on again (until you re-enable it).

Having data enabled 2 minutes every 15 minutes is sufficient in most situations. A longer schedule interval is useful to minimize distractions when you need to get something done ;)

You can have everything under control by enabling the Notification - the current status of all controls and triggers will be always available in the notification pane.

There's a Home screen widget that shows an estimate of how much battery life was improved by JuiceDefender over the last 48 hours - what's the best multiplier you can get?
It also lets you enable/disable JuiceDefender super-quickly (just tap on the glass of juice in the bottom left).

Another included useful widget is Toggle mobile data - it lets you manually disable or enable mobile data (you might want to use it when you're incurring roaming charges, for example) with a single tap - it has the highest priority, so JuiceDefender will always obey it.

Please note that not all features are enabled in the free JuiceDefender. The free version on the Market can only control only mobile data/APN/Auto Sync, and the available triggers are Screen, Apps (1 disable and 1 enable), Battery, Charger, Traffic and Schedule with frequencies of 15 and 30 minutes.

To get complete control over your handset juice consumption please consider buying UltimateJuice from the Android Market or AndAppStore - it will enable WiFi, Timeout and CPU control, unlimited Apps, the Night, Peak and Location triggers and Schedule intervals of 5 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours. You can make your battery last forever! (ok, that's an hyperbole.)

If you want to check how much your battery life is improved by JuiceDefender, get JuicePlotter now - the best looking and most informative battery graph out there! Free on the Android Market!

If you want to know more, please read the Known issues / FAQs and the changelog!


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Anonymous | January 18, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Thanks for the app! It seems like a great idea ... will see how it performs in the wild.

Rinke | February 2, 2010 at 9:48 PM

Would be really cool and helpfull, would love to use it, as it's what i'm looking for, however, it does not run on the HTC-Hero (andr 1.5)

lowne | February 2, 2010 at 9:52 PM

@Rinke: unfortunately, some of the internals require Donut, so it's only available for Android 1.6+. On the bright side, pretty much every device will be getting at least 1.6 (most 2.x) quite soon, according to carriers and manufacturers.

Rinke | February 3, 2010 at 2:08 PM

Hi lowne,
Thanks for your reply, will keep my eye on the new version!


Snallygaster | February 13, 2010 at 3:42 AM

Great idea, but forces closes on droid every time. Any ideas why?

lowne | February 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Uhm, I'm aware of 3 Droids around the world that run JD just fine... Must be something specific to your case. But I won't let ANY problem go unfixed - can you mail me with some details?

Unknown | February 13, 2010 at 11:35 AM


sounds like a great app, unfortunately i can only activate apn,
when i want to set up wifi the button just flashed yellow but doesn't turn green!?

do i need root?

lowne | February 13, 2010 at 11:57 AM

no, you only need UltimateJuice - sorry, it wasn't clear in the post; it's now edited to state that more clearly.

Lube | February 13, 2010 at 7:11 PM

seems a great app. but activates the vibration mode (and turns off the ringer) on my Tattoo everytime I esc the application (using home or back button) when it's enabled. Is it a know issue? I have UltimateJuice and JuicePlotter also installed.

lowne | February 13, 2010 at 8:31 PM

This one deserves a ZOMG! It's (almost) the most stupid bug ever - already fixed, will push an update asap.

Lube | February 13, 2010 at 10:53 PM

I confirm, fixed! Now it's a 5 stars app :)

Lube | February 14, 2010 at 1:23 PM

"schedule - regularly enable APN/WiFi for a short period of time, to let background data sync occur (email, Twitter, Facebook, stock quotes...)."

Hi Lowne,
does it mean that normally background data sync occurs only when APN/WiFi is enabled and the services that use backgronund data will wait until there's an APN/WiFi connection and sync immediately? RSS feed readers and non-Google email accounts do the same?
Thanks :)

lowne | February 14, 2010 at 11:05 PM

Yes, those are the guidelines and that's how applications *should* work - well-written ones do.
Inevitably, there will be some 'lazy' apps out there that will just try to do background update at fixed intervals - say, every hour (it's usually user-configurable) - and if they don't find connectivity, just retry the next time (after an hour). If you use such an app (you can tell by finding out that it doesn't update as often as it should when using JD) by all means ask the developer to publish an update that Does The Right Thing.

Lube | February 15, 2010 at 9:43 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lube | February 15, 2010 at 9:44 PM

Great new widget, good job!
I wrote to FeedR's developer asking for a "JuiceDefender-compatible" version. Next will be WorldTour's developer... ;)

Heimi | February 16, 2010 at 4:00 PM

I use UltimateJuice on my Milestone. Runs great. Just one Question: I set the Schedule for APN and WiFi to 30 Minutes and the awake periode to Quick (3 Minutes).
Are these 3 minutes usually sufficient to get the device all online activities done ? When does it make sense to rise this time to 8m ?

Unknown | February 17, 2010 at 7:54 PM

Hi Lowne!

As already stated on facebook: Great app! It was the very first one I bought for my milestone and I would do so anytime again! About that homescreen widget: Say, how accurate is that? It tells me I have ~2x the lifetime, whereas my real lifetime increased to about 1.5x (measured with "Battery left" app). And how is that factor calculated?

BR Peter!

lowne | February 17, 2010 at 11:25 PM

@everybody: thanks! I'm glad you like JD!

@Heimi: I'd say that 3 every 30 minutes are sufficient in practically all cases - unless you're subscribed to several hundreds of feeds that a feedreader needs to sync. The one situation where it might not be enough is when syncing (large-ish) podcasts. Anyway you should do it only when your phone is charging (massive downloads are notorious battery murderers) - and if you enable the 'battery' trigger (and you should), JD won't disable connectivity while the phone is recharging.

@Peter: it's not accurate :) It's based on utterly unscientific and approximate observations I made back when I started developing JD - using JuicePlotter (that I developed specifically for that). I've long since wanted to make more serious tests - but I can't bring myself to disable JD for any extensive periods of time; going back to "always-bring-a-charger-or-else hell" is really hard now.

I guess that using 'battery life left' apps is a good way to get better numbers - so I encourage you to do extensive testing (over a period of several days) and share your findings! Be aware that:
a) AFAIK usually those apps take a looong time to 'register' - and probably if you change your battery usage patterns (i.e. by installing and using JD) it will take an even longer time for them to realign fully
b) (also answering your question) the widget only measures how much battery JD itself saved and this depends on how you use the phone; e.g. if you spend a lot of time (say on sundays) using the phone (thus having APN/WiFi enabled a lot) you'll see the multiplier going down; same if you keep it plugged.
Currently the theoretical maximum multiplier is x4.00 if JD managed to keep APN *and* WiFi disabled all the time (again, this implies that you would've manually enabled WiFi beforehand - when it's manually disabled it doesn't count as a 'saving'). The closest you can get to this is by having a 2 hours schedule, a 12 hours long night schedule and never turning the screen on or recharging. After 48 hours this would probably yield around x3.80.
Under this perspective the multiplier seems really conservative, as with JD now I get through the night with 1/3% battery loss (and never bother to put the phone on AC) while it was some 25/40% before.

As a matter of fact, since I have JD I just don't use the AC charger anymore: the occasional USB-hooking due to app debugging or tethering on-the-go is sufficient. My battery has been going up and down between 30 and 70% for days now - I don't even bother to ever recharge it fully anymore!

Lube | February 18, 2010 at 2:18 PM

Hi, I'm looking for some "mathematician" to help me solve this problem:
some of my applications (FeedR, WorldTour and the default "non-Gmail" email manager of my HTC Tattoo) have auto-update features that don't work as expected for JuiceDefender: those are "lazy apps", like described by Lowne, that do background updates at fixed intervals. The only way to have their widgets "up to date" is fixing them a short update interval. Sooner or later their update schedule will match with the "2 min every 15" or... of JuiceDefender. But, that's the problem: wich is the best interval, without battery and data waste, if I will have those applications be able to update at least 1 time every 1 hour: every 10 minutes the application and 2 minutes every 10 JuiceDefender? Every 15' and 3' every 30'? Which is the "ideal" setting pattern?
If someone who's good with mathematics could find the solution, I think he would help other people using JuiceDefender too.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english :)

Unknown | February 20, 2010 at 7:11 PM


so I just found JuicePlotter and JuiceDefender today and now i am considering to get UltimateJuice too since both apps are great.

But a) i cant find UltimateJuice in the Market; b) the link on your blog (http://www.latedroid.com/2010/02/ultimatejuice.html) points to a non-existing page; so i cant get and/or buy it.

I guess the fact that i cant find it in the market is because i got a HTC Tattoo.

Well, anyway thanks for creating such good apps.

lowne | February 22, 2010 at 5:08 PM

@Luciano: I'm planning about submitting a patch for the 'lazy-to-proper' conversion of one popular open-source app - then write a post about the procedure; if it's feasible (and I find the time) it might be helpful to fellow developers.
I concur that the situation as it is now is far from perfect.

@Steffen: glad you like the apps! Thanks for pointing out the bad link.
Where are you located? Can you see other paid apps? AFAIK UltimateJuice should be visible to QVGA devices too...

Lube | February 22, 2010 at 8:33 PM

Hi Lowne, thanks :)

@Steffen: did you find UJ on the Market? I own a HTC Tattoo, so I don't think that's the problem...

microlol | February 27, 2010 at 7:46 AM

Hey, just a few questions thatmight sound stupid, but, juice defender log me off gchat or messenger programs? Seeing that it disables apn? Additionally, I'm guessing jd doesnot affect text messaging? Thanks for sticking up with my noobness

Tom Kochansky | February 27, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Just started using this app today. the widget says 1X battery life. does the app need to read the device activity for a while before it can make an accurate reading? or am i getting no bennefit from the app?

Unknown | February 28, 2010 at 7:06 PM


Still can't find it in the market; and I'm located in Germany.
I can download most paid apps without problems though.

lowne | February 28, 2010 at 11:33 PM

@Jeffrey: both your assumptions are correct :)
When/if you need to be immediately reachable on Google Talk, you should disable JD. The Android Gtalk client also seems to have its own 'try to reconnect' behaviour - it does happen sometimes (probably after the night schedule) that it will require explicit intervention to log back in.

@Tom: yes, the widget starts at 1x and takes some time to 'register' - it analyses the savings over the last 48 hours.

@Steffen: that's really weird - and so are many things about the Android Market; I've given up trying to understand how it actually works... I certainly didn't exclude UJ from publication in Germany.

At any rate (for anybody else interested, too): UltimateJuice is now also available at andappstore:


Unknown | March 1, 2010 at 2:31 AM

How will this affect my Exchange e-mail, which is set to push from the server? Thanks.

Unknown | March 1, 2010 at 5:00 PM

A couple of questions:

- If 3G is unavailable is the time still sufficient to handle updating things.

- Is there a possibility of more fine-grained control down the road?
-- Schedule the APN/MMS
-- Wireless only when screen is on
-- Disable JD when charging

Basically, the ability to change each control for each trigger would make this even better (IMHO).

Dana | March 1, 2010 at 6:01 PM

@lowne, I would second Roberts question, though i'm more concerned about the "sync" overall.

I'm assuming Sync on android isn't a "lazy" app and will wait for the next data connection to sync data. Is that correct?

Unknown | March 1, 2010 at 7:45 PM

Does the APN functionality work with the Motorola Droid? I ask becacuse other products similar to this (APNdroid) did not disable 3G or data connections properly.

From the APNdroid FAQ:
Unfortunately current version of APNdroid does not support CDMA phones like (Motorolla Droid

TimK | March 1, 2010 at 10:50 PM

The Android Market won't let me use either of my credit cards to buy UltimateJuice, which I really want as it will do something I've been looking for for a long time (in the screenshot above: "Disable WiFi when far from known networks"). Any idea why this might be? I'm in the U.S.

Unknown | March 2, 2010 at 1:20 AM

I just tried to download on Sprint Hero and was unable to pull any thing up using both QR Code and searching for "juice" or "defender."

Unknown | March 2, 2010 at 12:51 PM

Was wondering if this app can be used to toggle 3G off when in a poor reception area. Both my home and work get little to no 3G. I use wifi exclusively at home and rarely use the phone for internet at work. I'd like to be able to shut 3G off so it doesn't kill the battery searching for a signal. Others have suggested airplane mode but I still need to be able to recieve calls so this doesn't work. I have no problem purchasing UltimateJuice if this can be done....

lowne | March 2, 2010 at 1:47 PM

Catchin' up! (picture the beloved Android running in his clumsy metallic way - ah, that's the logo! Nomen omen...)

@Robert: I don't use/have it so I don't know; but I'm sure somebody else can shed some light! (@Somebody else: share your findings!)

@Brian: I'd say yes in most circumstances. You will find out quite easily after some use if that's not the case (e.g. some mail always getting synced when you turn the screen on); if so, disable 'Quick'.
Your idea is interesting. One of the next big things will be a big "customize everything" update with a completely new UI - but it's will take a while...

@Dana: correct, good ol' Sync works wonderfully with JuiceDefender

@Jeff: yes, it works on Droids AFAIK (unless all Droid users have joined a secret society whose aim is to deceive me; but I summon the mystical powers of Occam's razor!)

@TimK, @Nathan: That's it. My official PR line is now "The Android Market sucks! (but at least it's not a censoring dictatorship)". If you're so inclined, you can purchase via AndAppStore :/

@Chris: not sure if there's a feature request hidden in the subtext (location-based 3G switch), but it's an interesting one - don't know yet if it's feasible. At any rate I guess you can switch 3G off anyway.

Kiz | March 2, 2010 at 1:48 PM

Cant find it in the Android Market, or by using search...Im in the UK, is this USA only?

Unknown | March 2, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Can you switch 3G off?? Didn't think you could... Droid btw..

TimK | March 2, 2010 at 6:23 PM

@Lowne: I bought it from AndAppStore, so I'm good now. Annoying behavior from the Market, but what can you do, I guess. Is there a place to report the problem to Google? I tried to find something and didn't see anything.

Unknown | March 2, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Hello... So far is "seems" like a great app.. well, minus the fact I can no longer access the internet now. I have a Nexus One, I downloaded the free version of JuiceDefender, Enabled it and let it do it's thing starting last night.

Now this morning, while at work, I keep my Nexus One on the Desktop Dock. Which, by your FAQ and comments above, would make me think I should now be able to access the internet with no issues. But I can't seem to access Pandora Radio OR any other website known to man (or alien).

Any ideas on how I can get my lovely internet back. I've already tried disabling JD just to get my internet turned back on, based on the comments above, but still no luck.

lowne | March 2, 2010 at 6:40 PM

@Kiz: again, Google swears it's published all over the world and on Mars too - but that doesn't seem the case. It's really random - consider getting it from AndAppStore (links in the post)

@Chris: uh, actually I'm not sure about CDMA - I hear it's almost as weird as imperial units; I don't know :/ But I'm sure somebody here does!

@TimK: it seems there's no official way to report problems. The next best thing would be joining the many complains in google groups/google help threads - not really helpful, though :(

@N/A: (nice name!) if you're not using WiFi, try rebooting after having disabled JD - if you manage to get your conenction back, open JD, tap 'Help' and then 'Send log', I'll be glad to try and figure out what happened!

TimK | March 2, 2010 at 9:43 PM

On my Nexus One today, I'm having difficulty getting an Internet connection when I wake up the phone (i.e., turn the screen on). My EDGE connection (no T-Mobile 3G where I live) doesn't become active even if I wait for a couple of minutes.

Might this have something to do with the error "ERROR: No APN MMS found!" that I see in the log in JuiceDefender? Although, I am seeing the problem with no EDGE connection right now with my screen on, and I'm not seeing that error in the log in connection with the most recent wakeup event.

Also, I wanted to mention that I admire your feedback and willingness to listen to and help users.


Unknown | March 3, 2010 at 1:38 AM

Can't find in market on HTC eris

Just S | March 3, 2010 at 7:41 AM

First of all, kudos for such a great premise and second, reading through these posts, you have to be one of the most responsive and helpful dev's I've ever come across! I honestly don't know that I have seen any improvement on my G1, but I decided to buy Ultimate anyway because of all of the positive comments I have seen everywhere and see what happens (first app I have ever purchased for any smart phone in 10 years BTW).

My questions is, are there other apps that might interfere with UltimateJuice? I have a myriad of other control apps and I wonder if things like toggle switches, profile settings and antivirus will affect the performance? Are there things I should uninstall to get the best performance from my first paid app? Also, the widget doesn't appear to work. It does nothing when I click on it.
Thanks, JS

Unknown | March 3, 2010 at 10:31 AM

Cool app!

But I see one problem: I am e.g. in Market and choose to download and install app XY. This takes a couple of minutes. Therefore I put my Android on the desk and do something else. After the screen blanks, JuiceDefender cuts the 3G connection Market is using (I guess!).

If that is true, then I propose a setting like "do not disable network while transferring data" and/or "disable network XX minutes after screen went black".

Dana | March 3, 2010 at 3:07 PM

OOO, i second Franz' suggestion.

Anonymous | March 4, 2010 at 10:09 AM


thank you for this great app!
I too think that it would be nice if the data connection gets disabled only if no data transfer is ongoing. As your SeePU App is able to find log the network traffic it should be easy to also implement the following:
if screen blanks
test for ongoing network traffic for about 10 seconds
no traffic: turn off
traffic: wait

As it could take forever until no traffic is sent/received there should be an additional timer that cuts off the network after X minutes.

This would be also good in the following case:
think of you are chatting via GTalk with someone. Now the screen blanks and you immediately lose internet access. This way you have to log in again after the screen goes on again. This chat experience is not very nice. So you either have to turn off JD at the moment or make your screen timeout quite long.
But if JD would shut down the connection after X minutes. You can chat without any issue and still get the maximum power saving (short screen timeout, JD enabled when chat ends).

lowne | March 4, 2010 at 8:04 PM

@TimK: it seems to be the same issue as N/A - I updated the FAQ with a 'known issues' section, check it out for an explanation.

@Just: thanks! Apps that can potentially interfere with JuiceDefender are those that control the APN and WiFi - possibly, in your case, profile-like apps. How much battery saving you can get depends primarily on how much you actively use your phone; the more you use it, the less chances for JD to do its job.

@Franz, Dana, Bernard: not only I third Franz's suggestion - I'm really amused at how Bernard beat me in explaining in more detail how it could be done. You guys keep amazing me - I'm afraid in a short while I won't have to do the thinking anymore!
Anyway: I'm not sure the Gtalk thing would work - if I don't put some kind of traffic amount threshold, JD will never cut the APN, as there are many behind-the-scenes services almost constantly polling this or that; small amount of traffic, but traffic indeed, and probably Gtalk would get caught in the net.
At any rate I'll start coding and testing asap!

lowne | March 4, 2010 at 8:07 PM

Oops, I meant "Bernhard", apologies :/

Bernhard J. M. Grün | March 4, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Hello again,

first, Bernard is just fine too. ;) Its just the non-german form of Bernhard.

Ok, I understand the problem with GTalk. So the quick and dirty solution would be to just set a timeout that turns of the connection after the screen blanks. Even a timeout of 5 minutes would still save lots of juice! And if someone is not responding for 5 minuts in GTalk that someone doesn't answer at all. ;)

I also have another idea to save juice:
Blank the screen earlier but without locking. The locking then is activated after the normal timeout. According to my statistics the display needs most of the juice. Therefore this option could help even more. What do you think about it?


TimK | March 5, 2010 at 6:12 AM

@lowne: That issue seems to have resolved itself since I disabled Toggle Settings.

I'm having two problems with the Night mode, though:
- The app doesn't keep data connections turned off during the night.
- When I have it set to silence the phone during the night, it doesn't turn the ringer back on at the set time.

To solve the latter problem, I'm letting another app (Timeriffic) handle the silencing now -- NOT letting it handle data connections or anything else. That seems to be working OK so far. But having JuiceDefender/UltimateJuice not keep data turned off overnight means my battery drains during the night, which means I have to charge the damn thing in the morning after all...which is what I'm trying to avoid! :) Any ideas? Can I send you a log?

Bernhard J. M. Grün | March 5, 2010 at 8:04 AM

the night mode works perfectly on my Nexus One. The data connection turns on if I switch the screen on - otherwise it is off. And the silence mode gets deactivated at the given time. And is makes no difference if the screen is on or off at that time.

lowne | March 5, 2010 at 11:51 AM

@TimK: the night mode should work correctly in all cases - even if the service gets killed, the autorestart should soon enough disable the APN and the ringer again.
At any rate, of course you can send the log! Logs are practically what I'm eating these days! =:)

@Bernhard: you're hired! :) I second the screen timeout-lock suggestion, if it's doable (and it should be).
By the way there's already a 10-seconds timeout after screen off, I might make it configurable so everyone can adjust that based on the responsiveness of their Gtalk friends :)

Bernhard J. M. Grün | March 5, 2010 at 6:53 PM

Cool, I always wanted to work in Italy. Especially Venice would be a nice place. ;)
I think there is still a lot of thinks you can do to save energy. So another round of thinking will surely give us more saved juice.
Do you think it is possible to switch off animations and such if the battery goes low? That could help too (but only a bit).

btw. your applications UltimateJuice and SeePU++ are the first and only applications I ever bought for my mobile.

TimK | March 5, 2010 at 11:37 PM

Lowne: I am wondering whether letting Timeriffic handle the night silencing of the phone is a mistake. I'm going to turn those rules off, turn on the night silencing piece again in JuiceDefender, and see if it helps with both the silencing and the data cutoff at night. If I still have issues, I'll let you know and send a log.

I'll still be using Timeriffic for one thing: once a week for a couple of hours, I need to be in Airplane mode (and on vibrate). Since JuiceDefender won't handle this for me (I can only set one daily time period in JD, and it won't cut off the baseband for me), I have to do it in Timeriffic. I'll be interested to see whether JD tries to turn the data connection on during that time.... :)

Kepster | March 10, 2010 at 11:49 AM

hiya! I just purchased UJ yesterday and thouht that it was a damn good app but I noticed that my connection is flickering back and forth to wifi and 3g. Which can be really annoying to say the least. I also noticed that on rare occasions my phone just won't connect to my home wifi. (I've checked that the connection was working thru mu brothers iphone). Is there a way around these problem or just wait for a fix. Thanks a lot!

Joanna et Matthieu | March 10, 2010 at 4:03 PM

Hi !
I love the potential of your app, and I'd like to buy the ultimate version for the Wifi/location functionality.

But unfortunately when the apn is disabled on screen off, I try to send myself an email, I do not get the notification even after half an hour (set to 5 minutes up for 15 min)
I checked in the log, the apn went up and down as it should... And Gmail is set to sync automatically...

Do you have a clue ?

(Hero with a Villain 3.3 ROM based on android 2.1)

lowne | March 13, 2010 at 8:08 PM

@Bernhard: well, that's flattering! It made me smile with happiness :)
I'll soon post about the remaining major juice savings that should be implemented - one of them in particular will require mass user support (in a probably vain attempt at moving the big G just a little bit).

@TimK: I guess JD will try to obey its settings, but it won't have any effect (the APN or WiFi will be enabled but Airplane mode will prevail). Any apps that control the same settings as JD (e.g. the APN or silent mode - when it's enabled in JD) will likely interfere, tough.

@Leonel: a tentative fix for the WiFi issue (see FAQ) will soon be pushed on the Market (perhaps after one or two additional releases). I'm going to need as much feedback as possible on that!

@Joanna et Matthieu: it seems these new 2.1 ROMs that are circulating have a very peculiar (read:probably broken) way of dealing with the APN list. On the 2.1 emulator, on stock Nexus Ones and on OpenEclair for my Magic JD works correctly. I'll have to do a bit of research on these ROMs.

Unknown | March 14, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I could not find the JuiceDefender in the Market (HTC Hero).
Only SeePU and Paperdroid are available.
Is it removed?

Unknown | March 14, 2010 at 8:38 PM

Dowloaded from AndAppStore, but installation failed on HTC Hero :(

TimK | March 14, 2010 at 8:42 PM

Hi Alexandr,

From the FAQ:

"JuiceDefender seems very useful, but it won't install on my device!

Your device is probably running Android 1.5 (Cupcake). Unfortunately, some of the internals require Android 1.6 (Donut) or greater. On the bright side, pretty much every device will be getting at least 1.6 (most 2.x) quite soon, according to carriers and manufacturers."

Unknown | March 17, 2010 at 2:56 AM

Hi, I've purchased ultimate juice and it doesn't seem to be disabling the wifi and apn. I have it set for the screen to do nothing and for the wifi/apn and mms to update 3min. every hour. However I've never seen the wifi or apn disabled when I turn it on. I have the Moto Droid. I need some advice cause I might be missing something. I'm stoked about trying this. Thanks

Hari | March 17, 2010 at 3:32 AM

lowne, I think your app is so useful that it should come as a default appliction. I want to buy it, but i live outside USA. Can you help me please? inibex@pop.com.br

Unknown | March 17, 2010 at 12:54 PM

It keeps saying no apn configured on my.Eris. any help? Brianr1982@gmail.com thanks .

lowne | March 17, 2010 at 11:12 PM

@TimK: thanks for addressing Alexandr's problem - I'm getting a bit overwhelmed...

@Jimbo: tap 'Help' then 'Send feedback' and I'll take a look at the debug log.

@Hari: andappstore.com - but I think you figured that out already :)

@Beesley: known issue with leaked 2.1 ROMs, see the FAQ

Unknown | March 18, 2010 at 11:12 AM

Love the app and the concept. However clicking on the UltimateJuice button causes an FC. Using a nexus one..

Unknown | March 18, 2010 at 10:09 PM

I got a question concerning the Wifi standby policy. Apparantly some people report better battery usage when they set the wifi standby policy to be always on (even when the screen is off).
I think the default setting is "turn off when screen is off". So with juicedefender enabled which setting is recommended and does it make a difference?

Unknown | March 20, 2010 at 3:34 PM

Can't find in the docs or faq what happens if I enable MMS in UltimateJuice. Does it block receiving MMS messages?

lowne | March 22, 2010 at 11:46 PM

@Alon: that's because the Market app can't find UltimateJuice - andappstore.com is the only alternative for now...

@Ãœmit: JD will take care of setting the WiFi sleep policy to 'Never' if WiFi control is enabled (if it's disabled, it'll revert back to whatever your choice was previously)

@Mark: you should still be able to get MMS messages, at the scheduled intervals.

Tosh Taylor | March 23, 2010 at 2:06 AM

Hey, great app, but mine randomally disables. I went to eat at 7:30, got back at 7:52 and it was disabled. Log said it disabled at 7:32...

Unknown | March 23, 2010 at 1:30 PM

I set my email app to pull every 15 minutes mails. In JD I scheduled 15 minutes (quick). Howevery, I receive no mails. When I turn my Droid on (from sleep/idle mode) ... I receive them.
What do I have to do so it works as it meants to be?

Tosh Taylor | March 24, 2010 at 3:02 AM

@Michael That is because your email is pulling when JD is not on. Try to get your email to pull every minute.

Is there a way to keep the WiFi off? I have great 3g and never use Wifi here. It turned on wifi alot today and now I am at 40% battery because of it. When I dont turn it on, my battery is never below 70%.

lowne | March 24, 2010 at 3:09 AM

Just disable WiFi control in JD (top row), it won't touch it. (you might need to disable WiFi manually after a restart, but only once - then it's registered)

TimK | March 29, 2010 at 6:20 AM

Hi Lowne!

JuiceDefender and UltimateJuice are really helping my battery life -- thanks! Here's one problem I'm having, though:

JuiceDefender does a poor job of silencing the phone at night and re-enabling the ringer in the morning. I pretty much always have to re-enable the ringer myself in the mornings, and just now JD didn't seem to be able to figure out that my phone should be silent when I had to reboot it just to get baseband (don't ask), even though it was after my set time for the night schedule to start. (I see "Night schedule end" in the log, even though the night schedule should be in effect!)

I would really prefer to use a different app to handle just the ringer, but I don't see a way to tell JD that the night schedule should not silence the phone. What am I missing?


lowne | March 29, 2010 at 1:57 PM

Yeah, the night schedule does have issues - I'm working on it!
Anyway you can disable the silent mode, there's a blue "Sil" button on the right of the start-end hours slider.

TimK | March 29, 2010 at 5:32 PM

Indeed there isn't. There is a blue button labeled "Quick." :)

Lube | March 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM

The "Sil" button appears when you select the "Night" button ;)

TimK | March 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM

The "Night" button is already selected and has been for ages. :)

Lube | March 30, 2010 at 10:34 AM

When I say "select", I mean "push" or "touch" the button...

Unknown | April 1, 2010 at 3:54 AM


Love the concept for the program but I'm having some trouble getting my emails. I have a Nexus One stock ROM, the email client is set to IMAP with a 15 min sync interval, and Juice is set to 15 min intervals with quick disabled. I am using the default email client. Any ideas?

Unknown | April 1, 2010 at 10:09 PM

I have a problem with the app... When i select it to enable apn for 5 min every half an hour, it does nothing... It works like a charm when i select to enable apn only when screen is on... What's wrong??? I have a nexus one!

Mikey | April 2, 2010 at 4:23 AM

I have been doing a little reading and it seems that phones that use CDMA technology do not use APN. So this would mean that the Droid and Eris would not benefit from this app. Is this correct?

Unknown | April 2, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Downloaded this and then bought the UltimateJuice upgrade for finer control and the WiFi management.

However like a poster above says, my phone never seems to recieve emails, when the phone is idle.

This problem seems to exist for both my googlemail account, and my pop3 email account.
A minute or so after i unlock my phone to use it, any new emails then turn up.

Kepster | April 5, 2010 at 5:34 AM


I need help with my APN. Before I can toggle it on/ off worth no problem as I'm not on an unlimited data plan. I don't know how it happened but now I can't turn my3g connection off even if I manually toggle it off. Even the automatic data off when the screen is off doesn't work anymore. Do you think another application has something to do with it. Although as far as I know I haven't installed any app that can alter my apn. I have 3g watchdog but i think it just monitors my usage.

Please help. Thanks!

Oliver | April 6, 2010 at 1:23 PM


Just bought and uninstalled the app. Absolutely love the idea but APN would rarely work. It sometimes wouldn't even connect when screen was on. Hopefully an update will fix this. Tested on an HTC Desire


lowne | April 6, 2010 at 6:15 PM

@Martin, Andrew: with non-gmail apps you might need to set a shorter "check for new mail" interval.

@Adam: already answered via email :)

@Leo: send me a log ('help', 'send feedback')

@oli: feel free to join the betatest group ;)

TimK | April 6, 2010 at 7:53 PM

Hi lowne,

JuiceDefender used to consistently turn on WiFi when I was at home, which is the main location where I want to ue WiFi.

Now it never does. I always have to turn on WiFi after I get home, although normally after that, JD remembers and turns it on when I wake up my phone.

Can I do anything to make JD remember this location?


Kepster | April 7, 2010 at 3:09 AM

Latest update seems to have solved my problem! Its back to its usual awesomeness again!


TimK | April 7, 2010 at 4:10 AM

The recent update may have solved my WiFi problem. It does seem to have solved another problem that I didn't mention, which was a very long delay between a notification (I got a vibration) and the associated notification ringtone; by "very long" I mean 30 seconds or so. It was quite annoying to get a vibration and have to wait with bated breath to see what kind of notification it was. :)

I'll let you know whether my WiFi problem is solved or not. Anyway, thank you for a great app and for updating so frequently!

C. Schmeisser | April 8, 2010 at 2:31 AM

In my log it says: "ERROR: Too many APN found! Contact the developer!" and "ERROR: Too many APN MMS found! Contact the developer!". So this is me contacting the developer: How can I solve this issue? I'm using a Motorola Milestone with Android 2.0.1.

Anakhsenamun | April 8, 2010 at 8:21 AM

Hello I've been using Juice Defender on my HTC G1 for about 2wks now. I've had the G1 a while actualy 1yr and then some. I even have a spare but keep one active. Since I have NO Wifi and Never get a 3G connection in my area(Tmobile almost deadzone) I bought a Moto Droid. I read JD isn't working for CDMA Verizon..yet. I thought Id ask for some help. Today after the G1 was set to come out of night mode it did,but no Internet connection no APN worked. I swapped SIM card into my G1 and I had connection but JD isn't on this device.So I rechecked the multiple night mode hibernate, etc..Apps to see if settings were off. I read NO APN on the Widget so went through and turned off JD, the read out in small print still said Too Many APNs CONTACT Developer. I did from my Moto Droid but haven't heard back. I did a Factory Reset and Internet was restored. I really love JD and JPlotter, can anyone as the Developer must be busy, confirm if any known Apps used w/JD may cause this problem? Again I have no WiFI, EDGE 2G only had JD set to the "easy" of "default" settings. I had call ability, no Internet, no Gmail or any App dependant on it. Thanks Hope the Update to Juice Defender App Yesterday wasn't the cause. Ann Michele

Unknown | April 8, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Bonjour J'Ai Téléchargé cette application mais je ne comprend pas son utilisation Pouvez vous m'aider ?
Merci d'avance.

Lube | April 8, 2010 at 1:11 PM

Bonjour Anne, l'application sert à couper le connexions WiFi e APN afin d'économiser la batterie du téléphone. Il y a deux façon de l'utiliser: simple et avancée. En mode simple les connexions sont activées seulement quand l'écran est allumé et en plus pendant 2 minutes chaque 15 minutes pour permettre la syncroisation des fonctions Google. Personellement j'utilise cette simple configuration. Le mode avancé permet de configurer d'autres paramètres: connaissance de l'anglais requise. La durée de ma batterie à plus que doublé sur mon HTC Tattoo depuis que je l'utilise. Meilleures salutations :)

lowne | April 8, 2010 at 3:33 PM

@Everybody with APN problems: v1.3.3 had indeed a serious bug (some "experimental" code made its way onto the public branch - my mistake, sorry), but it seems v1.3.5 successfully fixed it.

@Ann Michele: again, sorry, I get *tons* of emails and somehow missed yours - but I did see the second one you sent and already replied ;)

@Anne: French translation (with contextual help) is probably coming soon (thanks to the awesomeness of the beta group)

TimK | April 8, 2010 at 6:20 PM

Hmm. I can no longer turn on the Location control in JD.

Pressing the Location button causes the Get Ultimate button to flash. When I pressed it, I was taken to the Market and given the opportunity to buy Ultimate Juice...which I've already paid for!

What's the deal?

Unknown | April 9, 2010 at 7:56 PM

Hi, thanks for the wonderful app, I have both juiceD/ultimateJ
I was wondering, can we add the trigger to GPS as well? I noticed that JuiceD doesn't control GPS functions, maybe you can add it the same as the Wifi mode?


TimK | April 10, 2010 at 12:15 AM

@lowne Re my comment of 8 April above: I just remembered that I purchased and downloaded UltimateJuice from AndAppStore. That, I assume, is why the Android Market is telling me I can buy it rather than telling me I've purchased it.

However, that still leaves the issue of why the Location control isn't working and can't be activated. The JD display says "Location: Do nothing," and I can't seem to change that setting. Help, please!

TimK | April 10, 2010 at 1:16 AM

@lowne And, it turned out that I needed to back to AndAppStore and download a newer version of UltimateJuice. Never mind.

Is there any good way to be notified when new versions of stuff you've purchased from AndAppStore become available?


James Cridland | April 10, 2010 at 4:40 PM

As a matter of interest, in the UK, my Amex card wasn't 'valid for this purchase' (for UltimateJuice), but after I'd added my Visa card (using a proper computer) to Google Checkout, the purchase went through just fine and dandy.

Excellent app: given a bit of a plug here: http://james.cridland.net/blog/the-best-apps-for-my-android-phone/

Hipspanic | April 14, 2010 at 5:46 PM

this comment is for all the users as i know lowne is prob super busy but what settings do you use to save the most battery? i have a g1 and its rooted, i rarely play games and i do alot of web browsing. the app used to give me 151 at times but as of late its been stuck at x1.00 any tips people?

lowne | April 14, 2010 at 6:08 PM

@TimK: yeah, UJ needs to be updated - the AndAppStore client app should notify you automatically of new versions (like the Market app on 1.6+). Make sure "Background updates" is on.

@979: Android doesn't allow automatic GPS control by apps, but it might still be included in a future version (along with Bluetooth) as a root-only feature.

@James: apparently most Amex cards aren't allowed by default to make purchases in Euros (which seems quite unreasonable...) - and I'm not allowed to accept any other currency by Google (which is even less reasonable).
Anyway thanks for the plug ;)

@Leonardo: make sure that everything is ok in the log and that JD is enabled. The usual uninstall/reinstall routine is often useful with "inexplicable" problems. (btw yes, I'm really super busy ':-/ )

Unknown | April 14, 2010 at 6:10 PM

If you've got time, could you update the Changelog to match the current version.

Many Thanks.

Anonymous | April 14, 2010 at 7:57 PM

Hi Mate;)

I have UJ and my google mail is not syncing with my desire when the phone is in screen off mode. I dont have activesync running as it kills the battery, just the native gmail app. its seems to sync when the screens on but not when its off, my traffic is set to 5>15s, please help;)


Unknown | April 15, 2010 at 11:22 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
lowne | April 15, 2010 at 3:01 PM

@Sim: done, for what was worth ;)

@Bill: check the log and make sure the Schedule is working correctly (Schedule start/stop every 5/15/30/60/120 minutes)

Jan Moren | April 19, 2010 at 8:04 AM

My email won't sync properly with Juicedefender. The app has "every 5 minutes" as the fastest check rate, and besides, it feels kind of wrong to have an app poll wildly in hopes that it'll hit the communication window by happy accident.

So I wonder if Juicedefender is sending out an intent when it activates (and disables) the connection? If it did, it'd be fairly easy to cobble together a small email checker that gets run only when it makes sense to. All it'd do is check the server for the existence of new messages and trigger an appropriate sound and vibration alert if there is. Once we log in the normal email application would of course update and fetch the new emails.

I could foresee a number of other possible uses for such an "it's open - come and get it"-intent, but it depends on the activity actually generating one of course.

Unknown | April 21, 2010 at 10:50 PM

Installed juice defender on HTC Legend. It messed up my SD card, hiding a lot of recently downloaded tunes, and deleting all my playlists. Also, it re-added a lot of deleted tunes, only it didn't because the tunes are deleted off my SD card, now it just thinks they are there. 2 hours work wiped out, and a whole lot of hassle to resolve. Not happy.

TimK | April 22, 2010 at 1:10 AM

I'm still having trouble with JD keeping WiFi active when I'm at home. Usually it recognizes where I am and turns on WiFi when I get home -- i.e., normally I get a WiFi connection the first time I unlock my phone at home. However, after that first time, sometimes WiFi is on when I unlock my phone, and sometimes it's turned off. (This is separate from the issue of whether my phone will connect to my WiFi network when WiFi is on; I'm only expecting JD to keep WiFi turned on when I'm at home, and it's not doing that. Sometimes WiFi is on and I have to go into Settings to get the phone to connect to my network, but I recognize that that's not JD's fault.)


Unknown | April 23, 2010 at 12:33 AM

Still having problems after uninstalling the app. My wifi connection is no longer constant in the house, and I'm having trouble now connecting to 3G when out and about. Wish I'd never downloaded the app.

TimK | April 23, 2010 at 12:36 AM

Actually I've decided that the Location feature simply is not working any more at all. I'm now finding that when I leave my house (when I go to work), JD doesn't turn WiFi off, and when I get home, JD doesn't turn WiFi on. This is one of the main reasons I like JD, because I've generally found that it's having WiFi turned on and constantly scanning that drains my battery more than anything else. Is there any fix in sight?

Robert | April 23, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Having problem getting my Ultimate version from AndAppStore after purchase.

How long should it take before it show up on my app list.

Waited 30min now :(

Yes i used the same email address for purchase

Ahores | April 25, 2010 at 3:54 PM

I have the same problem as Robert, I have purchased the app but it doesn't appear on muy app list. How long does it take after buy it to appear?

Zamana | April 27, 2010 at 4:05 AM

Great application!


CaptCalamitous | April 27, 2010 at 2:55 PM

Hi lowne, love the app it's upped my battery life to really reasonable levels.

I bought Ultimate Juice for the location feature.

I am getting a complete inability to access the internet when I am away from known WiFi networks, I assume it's the 3G/APN bug I will try the Airplane mode workaround, but if this doesn't work is there a manual method of restoring connection?

lowne | April 27, 2010 at 3:40 PM

@Billy: 50% of 'not syncing when screen off' problems is due to wrong settings in JD - the other 50% is just lack of patience :)
Make sure the schedule trigger is set correctly, and try increasing the interval for the traffic trigger.

@Janne: Android itself already provides (broadcast) intents for connectivity going up/down; apps should use them for their own sake - it's not just JuiceDefender, what about being in the subway/countryside/basement etc.?
In other words: there's no need for an app to listen to a specialized intent sent by JuiceDefender - it should *already* do this:
- the 5-minutes (or whatever) alarm is fired, let's check for [stuff that comes off the internet]
- no connectivity! Why there's no connectivity? Well, all I have to do is give the user her updates in an interval as close as possible to 5 minutes. Let's shut everything down for now, and wait for connectivity to be up again.
[30 seconds, or 3 days, later]
- Finally! Android says connectivity is up again - let's sync!
- Done. Good, schedule next sync in 5 minutes.

...instead of this:
- no connectivity! Why not? The user went into the basement for just 10 seconds, and there's no reception? Well bad timing mate, sucks to be you, I won't sync for a whole 5 minutes now.

... or even worse, this:
- no connectivity! Why not? The user went to a week-long meditation camp in the middle of nowhere? I'm dumb and I don't understand meditation, so let's kill her battery trying to sync every 5 minutes anyway; she ain't gonna need her phone anyway, right?

See the comments about lazy apps starting here: http://www.latedroid.com/2010/01/juicedefender.html?showComment=1266150208660#c96455117230897311

Unknown | April 28, 2010 at 6:33 PM

Hi Iowne - I can't wait to try my newly purchased app! Only problem is that it's still not on my list of downloaded apps... The purchase went through 3 hours ago, but 5 mins should do the trick, no?

Ben White | April 30, 2010 at 3:19 PM

It would be nice if rather than shutting data totally off, could you just switch it to 2G mode rather than 3G? I'm not sure why this isn't built into the OS by default...

Unknown | May 1, 2010 at 6:16 AM

I ran this on my Android 2.1 CDMA Motorola DROID and it worked very well. I just switched to the new HTC Incredible and it doesn't appear to work.

It worked so well for my DROID I bought ultimate juice. I can wait for it to come to the Incredible.

Unknown | May 3, 2010 at 3:58 AM

Any update on a patch?

Unknown | May 3, 2010 at 5:37 AM

i wish you could make this available to android 1.5. my phone needs this...

Unknown | May 3, 2010 at 2:42 PM

This is a very useful app. Bravo.

I wish I could progressively dim the screen once my battery drops below 25%.

I'm not a fan of the UI, wish there was an alternate.

Unknown | May 3, 2010 at 6:33 PM

I'm also having problems with wifi not coming on with the screen is on. In the little jd log, it'll say "screen on", and "apn enabled", but no wifi enabled. Perhaps I got off sync somewhere turning wifi on and off, and now jd is confused.

perhaps I'll try disabling jd all together, restart the phone, make sure everything is enabled, then restart jd. Any ideas?

Unknown | May 3, 2010 at 9:51 PM


I'm having similar problems to the poster above, sometimes doesn't enable the APN even when the screen comes on, though the log says it has. also not convinced emails are arriving when its set to 5min every half hour. (with the traffic switch enabled). I'm using UJD on an HTC Desire. shame because it'd otherwise be my no 1 essential app.

Unknown | May 5, 2010 at 11:45 AM

After I've installed JuiceDefender and tested it for awhile my wifi has staterd to shutdown when the phone goes into standby mode. After about 15 minutes after the screens goes black the wifi shuts off as well. I haven't found anywhere to disable this function. I'm not using Ultimate Juice where I think those options are available. Right now I'm just interested in getting the wifi backup during standby so I still recieve emails, updates... I'e tried disabling JD, disabling every function in it, Easy/advanced mode... unistalling, reinstalling, nothing seem to get rid of this...

Any ideas?

Unknown | May 5, 2010 at 11:49 AM

Adding some info: I'm using latest version of JD on a HTC Desire

Unknown | May 5, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Using 1.3.7 and having the same problem than some others, APN connection is often lost, even when the screen is on. Requires booting my HTC Desire to get APN back.

Unknown | May 5, 2010 at 5:14 PM

Ralf, I'm not sure what phone you're using, but the N1 has a Wifi sleep functions under Settings, Wireless and Network Settings, Wifi Settings, then press the menu button again and choose advanced. if you're not on an N1, perhaps your phone has a sleep policy as well.

Unknown | May 5, 2010 at 5:23 PM

@jettrue: Thank you :) The settings seems to be the same on the HTC Desire. Settings - Wireless and Network - Wifi settings - Menu - Advanced - Wifi Policy. After JuiceDefender installation it had changed to switching from wifi to mobile network after 15mins standby. Changed it back to "Never when connected" and it seems to work as it should again.

Zarch | May 6, 2010 at 8:13 AM

Have similar problems to many above with ultimate juice on my HTC Desire. Every morning after the 23:00 to 06:00 sleep period, it never joins APN again, I have to reboot and it instantly connects.

Its fine through the day though with the screen off and seems to come back to wifi and apn when i turn back on.

Is there a network log we can look at for clues to help?

Unknown | May 6, 2010 at 9:50 AM

Disabling "Night" mode in JD didn't help with APN reconnect problem. Yesterday I disabled whole JD and no problems with APN re-connect so far. Will continue testing...

Alan Robertson | May 6, 2010 at 10:20 AM

Hi. I'm running JuicePlotter on my HTC Desire and almost all the time it notes the screen as being on rather than off (although rather randomly it does sometime seem to register that it's off). I know the FAQ mentioned this may in part be a known issue but I was wondered if it was close to being fixed? It's just if not it doesn't seem worth installing JuiceDefender (which is a shame as it sounds perfect!) - reducing the APN/WiFi connectivity when the screen is off would seem to be one of the main conditions I was wanting to make use of.

Zarch | May 6, 2010 at 3:39 PM

My Desire has just stopped connecting to APN, when I switch the screen back on (only noticed it before after a night of inactivity, see above).

I have v137 of Ultimate Juice, with the options Schedule, Night, Traffic, Battery, Charger and Screen at default values and Location and Timeout switched off.

I'm getting bars of signal, but no APN connection. And no matter what I change or turn off/on in settings relating to "Mobile Network", it won't reconnect.

The only fix was to reboot the phone, and it connected instantly upon boot-up.

Are there are any APN/Network logs that we can look at to be of any help?

Unknown | May 6, 2010 at 4:43 PM

@STIAN - 'I love Juicedefender, but lately it's went all wild. Won't enable after screen on. The problem is in the APN settings, as far as I can see. Now my APN say 'juicedefender-internet' and 'juicedefenter-default'. These settings won't work. When I change them to 'Internet' and 'default' everything is okay. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling, and also tried those fixes provided in the FAQ. It's all a no-go! What to do?'

This is spot on with my HTC desire on T-mobile in the UK as well, juicefender is messing around with the APN type setting and also it says juicedefender-tmobile.uk in the apn setting. as soon as I change it back to general and change the APN type to default it comes straight back on, so please look at this bug and stop the app messing with these settings and i'm sure it will solve alot of the issues.

Unknown | May 6, 2010 at 4:49 PM

@Zarch: As per my comment above I have the same thing all the time and its actually in the apn settings under access point names > T-mobile internet is mine for example, you have to take the word juicedefender out of the t mobile settings and also scroll to bottom and where it says APN type and take juicefender out of there and just type default. I hope the dev can stop JD messing with the access point name settings soon because the app is useless to me without this being stopped. works perfect when it doesn't rename anything, and also it renames this for me even when I disable JD from controlling APN within the app, so when it says JD wont touch APN settings when you disable it in the app thats just not true.

Zarch | May 6, 2010 at 8:50 PM

@Darren, i have checked my access point names and all looks fine.

I have 2 x O2 entries as per my simplicity sim and there is no reference to Juice Defender in either the mobile web or MMS apn's.

Mine must be a different issue.

Unknown | May 7, 2010 at 9:57 AM

Hi, JD needs an eternity to start on my Legend (a couple of minutes) in particular after a night in airplane mode. This happens mostly in the morning after leaving the airplane mode i.e. when I want to check the log of JD. Sometimes I then get the error message that JD needs to be closed first. Getting 3G connection doesn't work then either (tried to view a web page in the browser). Going into airplane mode and back and starting JD again usually helps. Not very convenient. (Actually I have Ultimate Juice but I guess this doesn't matter). Best, Martin

Unknown | May 7, 2010 at 10:08 AM

P.S. Maybe this is not JD's fault btw. See i.e. here:

Comment 185 and many others sound similar to the problem mentioned above.

Nonetheless the long start up of JD is slightly annoying.


Unknown | May 7, 2010 at 11:05 AM

Sorry for the third comment in a row but I find the above Issue 2207 quite interesting as it may or may not have something to do with JD and what it does to the APN settings. Have a look at comments 70-93.

In 91 someone from google says: "Half the people who report this turn out to be using something that corrupts their APN settings - the other half don't respond to queries. Without more info or an ability to reproduce this we can't fix it."

Since I'm not familiar with the android sdk, I'm not able to post any bug report. Unfortunately. Maybe Mark could have a look into it...

mbrown956 | May 7, 2010 at 1:13 PM

HTC Desire.. having the same APN issues as everyone else..

I'm not trying to advertise a rival product here, but I tried WiSyncPlus which offers similar features (but not implented as nicely) and it disables/enables APN's without any issues, so maybe you could take a look at what it does different to JD?

I currently have UltimateJuice set up to manage ONLY wife, and WiSyncPlus controls APN's - this works nicely, no more loss of 3g!

mbrown956 | May 7, 2010 at 1:36 PM

I meant "manage WiFi" of course. It would be nice if it could manage my wife too but I think that functionality is beyond any android app..

mbrown956 | May 7, 2010 at 7:42 PM

Maybe I spoke too soon. It had been working OK like this for 48 hours but after coming out of the gym after an hour where there was no GSM signal, "connection failed" came back. However as soon as I got home and it connected to my wifi again, it seemed to fix the 3G too.

Unknown | May 8, 2010 at 11:29 AM

@lowne - Please can you investigate the issue that seems to be happening with the HTC desire, Even when I have disabled the control of 3g APN completely in JD - it is still placing 'juicedefender' before general.t-mobile.uk and also APN type changes to 'juicedefender-default' in my case within the access point names > APNs settings on the phones. this completely disables 3g and I have to go in and delete the 'juicedefender' word out and save to activate 3g. Even though UJ hasn't been working for 3g I was still trying to use it to switch wifi off when screen off and I had a manual on/off button app for 3g but I cant even circumvent the problem this way now because of the name changes, help please!

Sparsile | May 8, 2010 at 7:59 PM

Trying out the free version and I like it a lot. However, it does not seem to detect Pandora trying to download the next song, so I have to wait until the next scheduled sync. When charging, it does not have the problem, of course. Would be great if you can detect Pandora activity. I think then that it would be a 5-star buy. Thanks!

lowne | May 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Ok, let's see if I can manage to catch up!

Location doesn't work (@TimK)

It seems there's yet another bug in the Android WiFi stack. Sometimes it will just temporarily 'forget' the list of known networks. This will cause JD's location feature to fail, of course, but sometimes it'll also cause JD to *delete* the location database (since Android says there are no known networks anymore) - so Location needs to retrain from scratch. There are some partial workarounds in place in the private beta branch, and I'm more than happy to take feedback on them :)

Can't download from AndAppStore (@lots of people)

Sometimes it takes just minutes, sometimes I have to manually unblock the transaction. As I can't spend all day doing that, the threshold (as stated in the FAQ) is 24h before complaining is allowed :) - I usually (but not always) manage to check for blocked transactions every day.

@Zamana: :)

@jon: I take JD finds your musical taste objectionable. It's a wild beast, sorry.

How to solve the APN not reconnecting problem (@Thresherinc, @Zarch)

In order of increasing hassle:
- tap the APN toggle widget twice (wait 5 seconds after each tap)
- switch to 2G only and back from the phone Settings
- switch to airplane mode and back
- reboot :(
- join the private beta group and provide feedback on the 'autofix APN' feature that's being constantly improved :)

Switch to 2G mode (@Ben)

It's *absolutely impossible* to do. Blame Google. On the bright side, I actually managed to do it ;) - but in all likelihood it's going to be available only for Cyanogenmod users.

Doesn't work on 1.5 (@Jake)

Eventually I'll try to port it to 1.5 via hacks and private APIs and other nasty things. Please be patient - as you can see it's not like my todo is empty right now...

@jettrue: generally speaking, just use your phone as you normally would - e.g., you need Wifi? Just turn it on, no need to reboot or anything, JD will catch up with your usage (and yes, it *does* get "confused" occasionally). Also: see above about the problems with Location.

HTC Desire and Incredible: (@MJPurp, @Martin, @Ralf, @Darren, @matthew.brown) I'm in dire need of more feedback for those phones, it seems there are some differences (once again!) in the OS that are causing problems. Please join the private beta group!

@Ralf: actually JD should change the WiFi sleep policy to 'never' - then again, only when UltimateJuice is installed AND WiFi control is activated. I don't think it's possible that it was JD who changed it to 'after 15 minutes'.

@Martin: 2 minutes (or anything > 5 seconds) startup is obviously abnormal. I'm sure it's related to problems with the nonstandard APN list in Desires. Join (also @Darren) the beta group now and report! :)

@matthew.brown: there's no such thing as a problem I won't tackle! Wife management is currently in pre-alpha stage, but I can already say it's going to be awesome! ;)

@Sparsile: it's due to Pandora caching. Is there any way to disable (or lower) it? UJ lets you tweak the 'Traffic' trigger - it might or might not be sufficient for aggressive caching. Anyway I'll work on a whitelist of sorts soon enough.

Phew, that wasn't easy!

TimK | May 9, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Lowne, thanks for responding.

The fact that JD "forgets" my Wi-Fi network at home is the lesser of the problems. The more serious problem I'm seeing is that JD sometimes fails to disable Wi-Fi when I'm away from home, which of course causes some severe battery drain unless I remember to check and disable Wi-Fi myself, which I could do without JD. :)

I would be happy to participate in the private beta and give you feedback on the workaround(s), if you need people to do that.

Unknown | May 10, 2010 at 12:24 AM

thank you lowne for responding so frequently. you are probably one of the most responsive devs ive seen. and i realize that it would be difficult to port it. now that i think about it, i dont think it would even be worth it because most android devices are getting android 2.x. my phone, moto cliq, should be getting it Q2 so its up to you. i guess i will try to wait for the new android update to hit my phone.

Unknown | May 10, 2010 at 11:11 AM

I used it on the desire but notice that every so often the apn does not come back on after being turned off and you have to reboot the phone to get it back. Really annoying so i've turned it off for now. Please let me know if you manage to fix this problem as it is a handy little app.

Unknown | May 11, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Using a XT800 Android 2.1 duel SIM (GSM & CDMA). JD always modifies the CDMA APN name & APN type appending "Juicedefender" to both. Of course then data cannot work! delete these modifications & it works again until JD renames them.... again. Does not modify the GSM APN....... I like the app but it is getting a bit tedious keep changing the APN name.

Alan Robertson | May 11, 2010 at 11:25 PM

@lowne - any thoughts on the HTC Desire screen not being logged as off when it's off issue that I mentioned in my 6th May post. Thanks :-)

Unknown | May 12, 2010 at 12:06 AM

Seeing the same problem as many Desire owners. APN doesn't turn on after some time. Plus, the WiFi-service doesn't seem to work for me either. Sorry, but it's useless for me at the moment (although I bought it, and will keep it). I hope you can get that sorted in a future release.

Unknown | May 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM

Hi there, I'm using juice defender on my desire and it actually seems to be working perfectly (touch wood!)

I've only got one little suggestion, can the trigger be screen lock/unlock rather than screen on/off? I use my phone as a clock and the 3G activates for a couple of seconds pointlessly every time I check the time.

However it appears you have bigger fish to fry for desire users so maybe just add it to the list :)


Unknown | May 14, 2010 at 5:26 PM

Does it switch 3G to 2G when close apn ?
If not, please add also this behaviour, it is very useful for battery power save :)

Unknown | May 14, 2010 at 6:08 PM

This sounds like exactly what I am looking for except I have the Droid 2.1. I can't wait until the problems have been fixed. I would be happy to pay for the full version. I used to have a blackberry and it would shut off at night just like this apparently describes and the battery would last me 3 to 4 days before needing to be charged. If there is a way you can let me know when it is available for the Droid 2.1 would be wonderful.

Unknown | May 14, 2010 at 6:34 PM

Looks like I spoke too soon, I had the same problem as other desire users where the network refused to reconnect after turning on the screen.

I'm happy to join the beta test group if you want?

Unknown | May 14, 2010 at 6:41 PM

if it is possible also i want to join beta program (acer liquid) thanks !

Aruku | May 17, 2010 at 11:09 AM

I post it here as I don't see any contact section or email.

A few days ago I updated to Cyanogen 5, and then I restored the config of some apps with Titanium Backup.
Since then, JuiceDefender hasn't worked as always, really I think it isn't working at all.

In the program log I can read "Service (re)started by OS" every 10 mins. aprox.
Also, sometimes it says "Low memory! Android may kill the service!"

Any help?

Unknown | May 17, 2010 at 11:58 AM

I have a rooted HTC Desire running MCRr3 ROM. Ultimate juice appears to be running perfectly. I am getting much better battery life and juice plotter confirms it.
Some of the problems with wifi APN switching are being reported by people who are NOT using juice defender.
I have applied to join the discussion group.

Unknown | May 18, 2010 at 7:43 AM

I have a CDMA version Droid and I believe that Juice defender is working correctly assuming that my widget showing a 2.13 multiplier as I type this is correct. How would someone know if it isn't working as it should? Should I be seeing much bigger multipliers like 3.x and or 4.x.

Dustin | May 18, 2010 at 8:05 PM

Sigh, it's a shame this doesn't work on CDMA phones. The Incredible could really use this. It's battery life is pretty dismal.

Zarch | May 19, 2010 at 4:10 PM

I have a strange thing happening in my JD Log.

Every time time it switches off and on my 3G, it lists the following:

15:04 APN Enabled: Tesco Mobile
15:04 APN Enabled: O2 MOBILE WEB
15:04 APN Enabled: O2 MOBILE WEB

But in my APN settings I only have:
O2 MOBILE WEB (list only the once and the green dot next to it)
O2 MMS Postpay (again, listed just once)

Now the only other time I ever saw the "Tesco" APN was when I set the phone up in the first place (HTC Desire) as it was one of the 3 choices for APN. (postpay, prepay and Tesco)

Is this affecting the problem with JD corrupting my APN settings from time to time?

Kevin Chan | May 20, 2010 at 6:37 PM

Is there any plans to support cyanogenmod 5.0.7-test2 for nexus one? cyanogen has made changes to the framework where juice defender won't start.

Paul | May 20, 2010 at 10:20 PM

I have a problem with the Timeout trigger on the HTC Desire. I have set the screen timeout to 15s and lock to 2m, but the phone always locks after 15s when the screen times out. This renders the Timeout feature useless - it's behaving as if I'd simply set the screen timeout via Settings.

mrlizard | May 21, 2010 at 11:19 AM

I'm also suffering from the HTC Desire APN name change = failed connections problem.

I'm probably repeating @Zarchs observation but in my JD log it refers to enabling both O2 Postpay and O2 PayandGo APNs, but I only have O2 Postpay in my Desire's APN settings and I've not once seen any mention of O2 PayandGo anywhere else outside of JD's log. Is this relevant?

P.S I'm seriously impressed and grateful for the constant feedback and support you're providing people with here. Keep up the good work.

Unknown | May 21, 2010 at 1:39 PM

@Paul, that is how it works by default.... if the screen goes off on your android device, and you have locking on, it will lock. If you want a delayed lock feature, try "lock delay" from the market.

Richard | May 22, 2010 at 1:13 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richard | May 22, 2010 at 1:39 AM

Could I suggest that the APN widget has the ability to "toggle on" when juice is scheduling the apn. As it is I have to open juice and disable apn control to get my apn back for a sudden google urge ...

Paul | May 22, 2010 at 11:52 AM

@jettrue: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll give it a try.

But I fail to see the point of the separate screen timeout/lock feature if it's never going to work. Or is it just the HTC Desire that it doesn't work on?

Unknown | May 26, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Does anyone know if this app worked on previous releases with the moto droid on cdma network? It seemed to be working before and stopped at the update... or was that just in my head? Please let me know @flyguide83@yahoo.com

fraid | May 27, 2010 at 12:32 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
fraid | May 27, 2010 at 12:35 AM

I just updated to the last release (1.3.7 i think) and ultimate juice is freezing on my HTC desire. is there a way to go back to the 1.3.5? Thanks in advance.

Nigel Draycott | May 27, 2010 at 12:02 PM

I've got a HTC Desire and have purchased Juice Defender, how do I get involved in the 'autofix APN' beta ?

GWK | May 28, 2010 at 7:13 PM

Agghhhh, I love JuiceDefender but the APN not working bug is driving me nuts! Can I join the beta to speed up getting the bug fixed? (HTC Desire)

Unknown | May 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM

Since latest update APN is not getting turned on again. HTC Desire, Germany, eplus. It worked nicely before. Can I get the previous version or can you fix it soon? I have the paid version and cannot make use of it right now...

Mikey | May 29, 2010 at 12:52 AM

Hey, I would love to be apart of any testing that you are doing for CDMA phones. Is there any way I could get involved with this to help in this development? Please let me know.

Zarch | May 30, 2010 at 9:27 PM

Having spend a few weeks "putting up" with Juice Defender ballsing my APN (see quite a few posts above) and having to reboot my HTC Desire on a daily basis I decided to see how I got on with Juice Defender disabled.

1. Battery use not as good with no JD.
2. But APN worked 100% of the time, not had to reboot the phone once.

I want to use Ultimate Juice Defender having paid for it, but I'm sick of having to reboot the phone to reactivate my APN access.

How can I get involved in the beta to speed things along?

Alasdair Macmillan | May 31, 2010 at 3:00 PM

Having similar issues to those detailed above re: HTC Desire and the APN not being re-enabled. Only way to resolve at the moment is to reboot device. I'd also like to see about getting involved in the beta to help with this.

Unknown | May 31, 2010 at 4:08 PM

I just want to state, that a LOT of the Juice Defender issues with reconnecting to APN and WIFI, were PROBABLY not JuiceDefender at all, but software issues. I've updated to Froyo on my Nexus One and I'm having no issues reconnecting to data at all!

Zarch | May 31, 2010 at 7:41 PM

jet-true, whilst that might well be the case for you, its certainly not for me and hasn't been in the 3 weeks since i've had JD installed on my Desire.

1. With JD enabled I had to reboot my phone every day to get get APN back. (never any wifi problems)

2. With JD disabled, i've now gone 3 days without needing a reboot and APN access has been flawless.


Anonymous | June 1, 2010 at 1:49 PM

At the moment, Juicedefender is worthless for me. I use the inbuilt Email program with two IMAP accounts and they never sync when JD is enabled because they don't try to sync when Juicedefender has enabled APN.

To solve this, I need to be able to configure the time APN shall be enabled. If i set the mail to sync every 5 minutes, I should be able to enable APN in Juicedefender for 5 or 6 minutes every 15 minutes so that the sync can take place in that window (one sync every 15 minutes)

I would also like the ability to change the order of the events, for example I would like to move Charger in front of Night (with UltimateJuice) because I want the phone to always maintain WIFI/APN when plugged in unless Night when it should be off (but I still have the charger plugged in over night).


Dana | June 2, 2010 at 3:16 AM

"1. With JD enabled I had to reboot my phone every day to get get APN back. (never any wifi problems)"

As with Zarch, i've had this issue too. I'm on a Droid with a 2.0.1 ROM (DROIDMOD v1.0) and seems one of the last updates killed the ability to reactivate the APN.

Any update on a fix for even Droids w/o 2.1 on their phone?

Unknown | June 3, 2010 at 3:21 PM

zarch, you have froyo on your desire?

Im on a nexus one, which many people have an apn connecting issue. which I had with or without jd installed.

but now on froyo I don't

however I realized that jd isn't disabling apn on froyo when it's supposed to. it's always on unless I manually disable it.

Zarch | June 3, 2010 at 3:49 PM


I'm on a out of the box install of 2.1 Eclair on my HTC Desire. ("2.1-update" according to "about phone")

Like I said previously, I've had JuiceDefender disabled for nearly a week now and not 1 APN issue or need for a reboot.

In the previous 4 weeks I had to reboot the phone virtually every day with JD enabled to reset APN and get it working again.

For me, that tells me where the problem lies.

Unknown | June 3, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Same as Zarch and Dana. Have a Desire on 2.1
with JD enabled I have to reboot to get APN working if Wifi is on.
Although the log reads WiFi enabled, APN enabled, I have to turn off WiFi to get APN, aka, It does enable APN if you turn off WiFi manually or via widget.

JD does not enable APN when there is no Wifi connection/signal.
Is this by design?

Unknown | June 3, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Correction, with WiFi on and then manually turned off, sometimes the APN will enable and connect, but for most occasions it will not, requiring a reboot.
JD needs some work.

Unknown | June 4, 2010 at 9:06 AM

i'm unable to receieve emails through the HTC Mail app for my gmail and yahoo.
I have set UJ to enable the APN for 3mins every 1 hour and also when the screen is on.
In the email app, i've set peak times 00:00-00:00 and checking for emails every 15 mins.
what am i doing wrong?

Tristan Bethe | June 4, 2010 at 6:21 PM

Just purchased it...I soo hope this works as advertised, this is just what I needed! Thanks!

Unknown | June 4, 2010 at 8:40 PM

Doesn't seem to disable data connection on Acer Liquid with Eclair ROM.

Unknown | June 4, 2010 at 9:24 PM

I've found it: JD will only switch off my combined APN if I toggle both APN and MMS. Sounds logical...

Anonymous | June 5, 2010 at 9:54 PM

I have the same problem, it's because your mail app doesn't try to sync during the 3 mins your APN is enabled because the 3 mins your APN is enabled might not fit the 15 min schedule.

For example:
Your mail app will try to sync 00, 15, 30, 45 but JuiceDefender enables APN for 3 minutes at 06-09 each hour -> Fail

Unknown | June 6, 2010 at 2:12 AM

hey buddy i guess you're right. This would affect FB, Twitter syncs too :(

Martijn | June 6, 2010 at 11:51 PM

According to Android's built-in Application Manager (Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications) JD uses 6.37 MB (!) of data storage. The application itself only uses 520 kB. Is this huge data storage intentional and necessary? Internal memory is pretty limited on my Legend...

Unknown | June 7, 2010 at 1:37 PM

This application looks amazing and like something that would come very handy on my HTC Desire. However I'm not sure if I can use it for my specific situation. I have no data plan on my company account and would like to use WiFi connection only.
Of course, JD claims to automatically change both APN/WiFi connections, but to me it looks nothing is actually happening.
I installed the latest JD160 and I would gladly help with any testing, but want to be sure I'm not expecting something this app can't offer (Right now the setup doesn't complete without APN enabled).
So is it possible to use it as a WiFi only application? To do everything it promises but without any need of data plan?
Thank you for your answers

Unknown | June 7, 2010 at 5:24 PM

Lowne, you know what would be GREAT?

Independant profiles for WiFi and APN. Sometimes I just forget to switch of my WLAN, but want to keep 3G activated (Email sync). As WLAN is searching for nearby networks all the time the battery gets sucked pretty quick. Right now I only have the option to either deactivate both WiFi and APN or not. If that could be done independantly, that would be some great plus (in my opinion).

BR, Peter!

Unknown | June 10, 2010 at 4:28 PM

Okay, forget about my last post. I just saw that in your experimental update 1.6.3 this is already included. So JD got even more perfect (and, btw. complicated ^^ ).

Unknown | June 10, 2010 at 11:30 PM

1.-In my HTC Desire i can hardly read the letters in JD interface, Is it possible to improve the user interface and to make it more readible?
2.-Is it possible to add bluetooth profile?

Unknown | June 11, 2010 at 12:04 AM

Another question:
Is it possible to add this feature: "switch OFF APN when WiFi is ON, and switch ON APN again when WiFi is OFF"? I think that this feature will improve a lot battery consumption.

lowne | June 13, 2010 at 4:14 PM

@EVERYBODY: Sorry for the looooooooooong delay! As some of you know I've been really busy coding the next-gen JuiceDefender (the "experimental branch"), hence I have mostly been active in the beta group.

Good news! The Experimental branch is ready for primetime! It's not 100% perfect yet but I guess having some occasional hiccup is better than JD not working at all :p

I'll just wait a little more for last minute feedback from the beta group, then proceed to push it the Market!

For everybody requesting to join the beta group: if you haven't done so already, http://groups.google.com/group/juicedefender

@TimK: Location now (experimental branch/next update) uses a better algorithm (should also use even less battery than before).

@Jake: thanks - yeah, Cupcake's days are running out, and I'm not sure I'll ever find the time for it anyway.

@Jonathan: some improvements on the experimental branch/next update - then again, remember it's a problem in Android, not a bug in JD - JD can only do workarounds.

@Steve: I have no idea how a dual SIM phone might work with Android (it's all custom - closed - firmware, right there). Try with the update once it's published, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

@Alan: (finally) working on it! Note however that it's a _JuicePlotter_ issue that has *nothing* to do with JD; JD works just fine :)

@Phil: that was added to the experimental branch a long time ago ;)

@Stefano: again, it's in the experimental branch/next update (only for CyanogenMod users, though)

@Ann: the experimental branch/next update supports ALL phones - but not every feature works in all of them. In particular, mobile data connectivity control isn't available on non-rooted 2.1 Droids, so JD will fall back to less power-saving (but STILL power-saving) actions.

@Aruku: a full reinstall is the best course of action in these cases.

@Zarch: no, it shouldn't be related.

@Kevin Chan: done!

@Paul: known issue (and yes, that's how Timeout is supposed to work), it'll have to wait for the Froyo source code to be published before attempting a fix. In the experimental branch/next update Timeout should get automatically disabled by Setup.

@Richard: I'm not sure I understand what you mean?

@fbaude: the experimental branch/next update will work fine ;)

@59030: answered in the FAQ comment thread

@Umesh: the experimental branch/next update will most probably fix your issue

@Martin: that's an issue with some carriers (they use weird APN schemes). Already fixed in the experimental branch/next update.

@Martijn: that's absolutely abnormal (maybe the db-cleaner hit a quantum bug) - I recommend uninstall/reinstall.

@Rupa: in your specific case, I think it might work anyway even with setup failing. Make sure to disable "APN" control if it's still there. Of course you'll need UltimateJuice to control WiFi.

@Peter: not exactly what you ask for, but there are lots of new features in the experimental branch/next update that will get what you need done. Yes, writing the documentation for it will be a daunting task :)

@Fernando: if you mean the log at the bottom of the screen - yes, the font is quite small. Tap 'Help' to see it with a bigger font. Bluetooth will come in the future - no time estimates yet. Switching between APN and WiFi is done (in a *very bad* way) automatically by Android - interfering with it will cause even more problems (probably 90% of the "APN doesn't come back" issues are specifically caused by it).

Unknown | June 14, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Thank you for your programm and for your answer.
If I use location to active/deactivate Wifi when i am at home, the battery used to ubicate my position periodically during 24 hours is not very high?
I will wait until bluetooth options.

Unknown | June 14, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Trying on my Evo. Is there any way to get the icon off the task bar?

Ignacio Seijo | June 14, 2010 at 10:12 PM

I have a HTC Legend and before using JD the battery lasted 1/2 day.
Using 1.3.7betau-1 which was in the market for a long time, the battery lasted 2 days!!!!
I started using the experimental version 1.6.6 some days ago and at this moment I'm using the evolution version 1.6.8 and in all of them the battery lasted less than 1 day using the same configuration than in the 1.3.7betau-1!!!!

It's possible to download the 1.3.7betau-1 version from any place till you release a version that work for me as this one?


Unknown | June 14, 2010 at 11:18 PM

The "Enable/Disable" button when in JD doesn't work anymore and seem to keep APN off all the time. Although you can still turn it off and on by touching the "Juice icon" on the JD widget (not the APN toggle widget but on the bottom left of the JD widget that shows battery life multiplier) Im using an Xperia X10a with android 1.6 unrooted. I am not using the APN toggle widget at the moment until fixed as seams to not be working and cant switch APN on by touching it any more. Similar problem to the "Enabled/Disabled" button when in JD...

@Ingnacio i am also wondering if there is a way to download an old version (1.6.6) as it worked perfect for me!!
@Tim just touch the "notification" icon beside Enabled/ Disabled under JD (may take a while to take effect)


Unknown | June 15, 2010 at 12:13 AM

I installed JuiceDefender on my HTC Evo 2 days after I bought it. Since then I was enjoying an AMAZING increase in battery life. This morning I installed the update and my battery was dead by mid-afternoon. I couldn't believe it. This is the first time it went dead on me mid-day since I first installed JD. Please reverse whatever you did with this update, or fix whatever went wrong! I can't have my phone going dead on me mid-day anymore.

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