
JuiceDefender saves battery power (lots of it!) by controlling the mobile data connection, WiFi, Background data, Auto Sync and other battery-hungry components.

You can schedule regular activation to let background synchronization occur, have connectivity always enabled while the screen is on, and much more! It also helps in minimizing distractions ;)

The Easy Mode is a no-fuss one-click way to let your battery last longer - much longer. Just enable JuiceDefender by tapping on the big button and you're ready to go!

If you want more fine-grained control, try Advanced Mode, where you can configure the many JuiceDefender features to your liking.

Should you Download JuiceDefender? Yes! Must Have Android App! [Android Tapp]

JuiceDefender is an app that you won't believe you lived without.  You will be impressed by the amount of battery that you actually save, and might even consider buying the paid version! [Best Android Apps Review]

I went from 16 hours of use to 48 with a Nexus One. [...] I wholeheartedly recommend this killer, beta app. [DroidDog]

Can’t get much better than that. [designerati daily]

For a free Android application, JuiceDefender offers quite a number of impressive battery-saving features. [Daily News 1001]

For Android users i highly recommend JuiceDefender: Use the Juice when you need it, save it when you don't! [lo-ga-rie]

Besides the battery savings, those who like to parse out their email checks and avoid minute-by-minute distractions see some benefit here, too. [lifehacker]

JuiceDefender can automatically control on your behalf mobile Data/APN/Sync, 2G/3G toggling, WiFi, Screen off/Screen lock Timeouts, maximum CPU frequency (all but Data/APN/Sync require UltimateJuice).
Note that not all of these are available on all handsets - please refer to the Compatibility Matrix section in the FAQ.

There are a number of triggers for the enable/disable behaviour:
Schedule - keep the connectivity enabled or disabled all the time, or enable it briefly on a regular interval (every 5 minutes to 2 hours), to let background data sync occur (email, Twitter, Facebook, stock quotes...). If Quick is enabled the connectivity stays enabled for a shorter period; this potentially saves the most battery, but you should also enable the Traffic trigger to make sure all data is synced.
Night (requires UltimateJuice) - keep the connectivity disabled during night time; you can also optionally put the phone in Silent Mode or Airplane Mode.
Battery - disable the connectivity when battery gets below a specified percentage
Charger - keep the connectivity enabled while the handset is being charged.
Traffic - don't disable the connectivity until data transfers are completed - useful to make sure that syncs aren't interrupted, or for streaming radio apps etc.
Peak (requires UltimateJuice) - keep the connectivity enabled during work hours, if you need to be instantly reachable via email/IM/VoIP etc.
Apps - you can choose which apps will keep the connectivity enabled (Pandora, last.fm...) and which will disable it (games, offline reading...)
Screen - keep the connectivity enabled while the screen is on (or just when it's unlocked) to allow browsing, tweeting, procrastination and general internet-powered enjoyment, regardless of scheduled events and battery level.
Location (requires UltimateJuice) - disable WiFi when the handset is not in range of any known WiFi network. The location is determined via the cellular network, so it's usually quite coarse. It's a fully automatic set-it-and-forget-it WiFi manager!

Triggers are listed in ascending priority order - this means, for example, that when the screen is on the connectivity will be enabled even when the battery is low, or that the regular schedule won't occur during the night period.

Note that triggers will only enable WiFi/Background data/Auto Sync if you have explicitly turned them on - if you turn any one off manually, your decision will be remembered and no trigger will turn it on again (until you re-enable it).

Having data enabled 2 minutes every 15 minutes is sufficient in most situations. A longer schedule interval is useful to minimize distractions when you need to get something done ;)

You can have everything under control by enabling the Notification - the current status of all controls and triggers will be always available in the notification pane.

There's a Home screen widget that shows an estimate of how much battery life was improved by JuiceDefender over the last 48 hours - what's the best multiplier you can get?
It also lets you enable/disable JuiceDefender super-quickly (just tap on the glass of juice in the bottom left).

Another included useful widget is Toggle mobile data - it lets you manually disable or enable mobile data (you might want to use it when you're incurring roaming charges, for example) with a single tap - it has the highest priority, so JuiceDefender will always obey it.

Please note that not all features are enabled in the free JuiceDefender. The free version on the Market can only control only mobile data/APN/Auto Sync, and the available triggers are Screen, Apps (1 disable and 1 enable), Battery, Charger, Traffic and Schedule with frequencies of 15 and 30 minutes.

To get complete control over your handset juice consumption please consider buying UltimateJuice from the Android Market or AndAppStore - it will enable WiFi, Timeout and CPU control, unlimited Apps, the Night, Peak and Location triggers and Schedule intervals of 5 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours. You can make your battery last forever! (ok, that's an hyperbole.)

If you want to check how much your battery life is improved by JuiceDefender, get JuicePlotter now - the best looking and most informative battery graph out there! Free on the Android Market!

If you want to know more, please read the Known issues / FAQs and the changelog!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 265 of 265   Newer›   Newest»
Requiem | June 15, 2010 at 12:42 AM

Keeps disabeling Wifi because of location, even when I am at home...
How can I "teach" it where i want it to enable wifi?
I enable wifi, 5 minutes later, it's off...

Ignacio Seijo | June 15, 2010 at 8:38 AM

@Brendan: Here are all the experimental versions including 1.66

Unknown | June 15, 2010 at 2:18 PM

Also - my Evo is not rooted. Was this update written so that it works better with rooted phones? From everything I am reading, that's what it sounds like. The updated version of JD is KILLING my battery. Is there any way that we can at least get back the previous version for non-rooted phones?

Unknown | June 15, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Awesome application! I've been using it for a while and it makes a huge impact on battery life. I recently upgraded to froyo on my moto droid and updated to your newest version. One problem I am having is with Rhapsody streaming music the app is disabling data when the screen turns off. I have the traffic option set as I always have. This was not a problem with the previous version - I could play streaming music all day long without it disabling data.

Thanks for a great app, looking forward to some fixes! Newest version doesn't save as much juice either.. battery seems to poop out mid day. Not sure if it's due to Froyo (Ultimate Droid version) or something else. Used to last all day and then some.


Unknown | June 15, 2010 at 11:50 PM

Any chance to get the apk for 1.3.0 until the beta process is over?

I don't feel good while using beta apps, and it looks awkward with the new notification in status bar.

So, where to download 1.3 again? Pretty please/

Unknown | June 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM

I second the motion for making version 1.3 available for download.

abnormal_antiques | June 16, 2010 at 7:27 PM

I encountered the same problem as the posters Jamie and Ignacio with my Evo & Juice Defender. Was using the free version, decided to purchase the full version and with it came the upgrade. Was squeezing about 12-13 hours out of my battery before the latest upgrade, afterwards I cant get more than 6 hours. Any way we can install/rollback to previous versions?

Unknown | June 16, 2010 at 10:46 PM

I have the same problem as Jamie. Please fix whatever you did and restore its features from the previous version

Unknown | June 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM

I can confirm what Jamie said. Same here on my Milestone (Droid).
Battery life went from 60% to 0% in about 6 to 7 hrs over night.

Aside from that, I really appreciate your work, thank you for your efforts!

Unknown | June 17, 2010 at 2:03 PM

I installed JD again today when I saw that an update has been released and I got the same problem as last time when I tried.

After about 15mins idle it shuts off the wifi connection. I know you said that JD should not do that but it still does... I'm done with JD.

tcristy | June 17, 2010 at 3:25 PM

I would love to see an application trigger. Some applications, when working properly, do get data regularly at more than the longest traffic (2 min) interval and I dont want to have the data connection turned off when they are running. You wouldnt want to set the traffic trigger much longer or stuff like Gmail would sneak in and it would never shut off. I know you can manually disable/renable, but it would be very nice to have a trigger to automatically turn on/off APN while a certain app is running.
For example, Pandora does a burst of data to load each song. For long songs, that can be 4-5 minutes apart so the traffic trigger lets JD turn off the APN and Pandora stalls. Another is if you are navigating using Maps at a fairly wide scale - it may be several minutes between need to grab new tiles.

Unknown | June 17, 2010 at 5:58 PM

Amazing product and great support.

I too am experiencing issues with a reduction in battery life since installing Evolution 1.6.9beta.

Also since installing this version each time I switch the phone on from standby, thus enabling APN, the phone does a complete resync irrespective of whether or not one is scheduled. I don't belive it behaved like this with previous revisions.

Dana | June 17, 2010 at 6:05 PM

I too have these issues on Cyanogen ROM'd Moto Droid.

Same thing as Chesterdob. Sync occurs at each unlock regardless. I suspect that is a main battery drain culprit.

Zen | June 18, 2010 at 5:24 PM

im pretty interested on this i maybe will buy the pay version 8D
i have a question i have no 3g for the moment so if the wifi based on location its on celular towers it cost data?can you help me in this thanks.

Unknown | June 18, 2010 at 5:53 PM

Im having the same problem that everyone with the last update! PLEASE! Reverse this update!

Requiem | June 20, 2010 at 12:58 AM

I am having the same problem as Chesterdob. Every time I unlock the screen, it starts a sync, which it did not do before. This actually makes the phone slow down and lagg untill the sync is done.....

I would also Love the ability to let certain apps enable or keep apn on. I have a phonebook app that automatically do an internet-lookup for unknown phonenumbers on incoming calls, and this fails now, since I do not have apn active when the call comes in...

Unknown | June 21, 2010 at 7:22 PM

Hello, same problem since last updat, systematic sync and poor battery life.

Unknown | June 21, 2010 at 8:03 PM

nice program with one big problem, i dont get my emails, my email program is set to every 1 hour, and juice set to 2 min eevery 30 min, but i dont get my mails, i have a desire and uses htc email client.

Unknown | June 23, 2010 at 5:01 PM

I've disabled the latest version (paid) because it is causing my Droid to run painfully slowly. There's a 2 or more second delay after tapping anything or even pressing the hardware buttons (volume, power, etc.). I'm not thrilled with the constant icon in the notification bar. This should be a set and forget app. If I want stats, I can open the app. I'd uninstall completely but I'm not sure if I'd be able to reinstall the paid version later. So, I'm sticking with it for another rev or two.

Unknown | June 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM

I just installed JD on my android an hour ago. Switched the battery over to a new battery, put it in and tried to reboot. Gets to the home screen and im supposed to push "menu" to get it to unlock the screen so I do but nothing happens. Then the screen shuts off and then comes back on sporadically. Also, as soon as the screen comes up it says "No Service". Ive never had a problem with my phone until installing this app. Help please

Unknown | June 24, 2010 at 5:26 AM

I uploaded the update to my HTC Droid and have had to uninstall the app has it has caused a huge reduction in the battery life. After uninstall my battery life improved. Is there any way to get the older version of juice defender?

Kepster | June 26, 2010 at 1:29 PM

Hey, I love this app but the thing is I've been having problem with the wifi. Jd doesn't detect my location correctly. So every time I turn my screen on, it also turns my wifi on even though I'm miles away from my house. I'm using n1, rooted, jd+uj.

Unknown | June 28, 2010 at 2:12 AM

I just installed beta 1.72 and it seems to be doing a great job on my HTC Eris CDMA phone. Can someone tell me if I upgrade to to Ultimate Juice will this same beta version of JP still be operating or would I loose this and potentially get reverted to an older version?

Daniel M | June 28, 2010 at 6:30 PM

This program seems pretty good. The big problem though is that the advanced mode is completely useless on my SE X10 mini (240x320 screen). No chance of seeing what's hidden in the about five pixels high area above the bottom buttons. I guess I'll have to stick with simple mode 'til someone fixes that.

RadioFlier | June 29, 2010 at 1:21 AM

I have jd and I like it but I was looking to improve it by getting uj and when I did nothing. The jd didn't have any of the fetures unlocked and I'm still not sure why.

Anonymous | June 29, 2010 at 4:07 AM

Love the app, will probably go Ultimate too. I had an issue yesterday where my mobile provider obviously had some sort of problem. I tried several phones to check it wasn't just my unrooted HTC Desire (i.e. I tried my SIM and others in my phone and even simple Nokia non-smart phones). Basically, the network was taking 3-4 minutes to register the phone being connected. Also, once connected for voice, 3G didn't seem to be available once connected, only 2G - but lets deal with the first problem.

The issue was that I could see juice defender trying repeatedly to toggle airplane mode - I think it was thinking maybe that it was working around the android bugs you have mentioned in the FAQ. But, given that the network was there, just not registering the phone in any timely manner, it kept unnecessarily cycling the radio, and starting from scratch again.

I wonder if you should have some sort of fall back - maybe retry toggling airplane mode a few times, but perhaps give up after a while, or, extend the delay between retries if they keep failing. I realise this is probably going to be really hard to test if you implement it - I mean, you have to have an actual carrier network problem - but it was just an odd behaviour that I observed.

Unknown | June 29, 2010 at 9:11 PM

Getting some Force Closes with this program, please fix! It only happens with Pandora....

Unknown | July 1, 2010 at 12:47 PM

I updated to 1.7.6 and now JD is disabling itself, i can go in and enable but it just keeps turning itself off. Bug in newest release?

JP Jacob | July 1, 2010 at 10:05 PM

Hello, Since the last few updates Juicedefender has not recognized my Ultimate juice. The update installs, does setup, then when I try to configure for example "Night," that blinks the Get Ultimate button. If I click Get Ultimate, I'm taken to the market to an Ultimate alternative. I shouldn't have to buy this twice, I think. I've completely uninstalled and re-installed with the same results. Thanks for your help.

Unknown | July 1, 2010 at 10:05 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Sanchez | July 1, 2010 at 10:44 PM

I just updated with the latest Juice Defender along with Ultimate Juice. Running 2.2 of Android on Nexus One unrooted. I keep getting a verbal notification that the battery is fully charged even though the battery is clearly at less than 100%.

Unknown | July 1, 2010 at 11:04 PM

What happened to the 3g button for Droid? I installed the latest update and now I only have the data button. The 3g button is gone! I need the slower data always enabled and 3g disabled when I'm not using the phone. This used to work fine, but now the option is gone. Makes this app pointless for me now, even though I did pay for it. I have uninstalled/rebooted/reinstalled numerous times and it still is gone. Please fix. Moto Droid CM 5.0.8.

- Edit
I reverted to the last 4 versions for testing. The only one that works properly for 3g and data separately is 1.68. Versions 1.72+ disabled the 3g option for some reason. I'm keeping 1.68 until this gets resolved.

dontknowat | July 2, 2010 at 4:33 AM

my HTC desire alarm is not work at the morning, after install the juicedefender. anyone has any idea?

Unknown | July 2, 2010 at 1:39 PM

I was having a ton of problems getting wifi to come back on with JD, then I realized the issue was with my Switchpro widget. The developer made some changes that seem to be more aggressive in controlling the connections. I used to use both Switchpro and JD with no issues.

eham | July 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM

Great app! One thing though; Because it automatically turns off APN after screen timeout (which is want), it prevents my cloud-based players from fetching data when running in the background (as they do). Is it possible to, say, add an app "exclusion/override list", or better still, keep APN alive as long as a (certain (type of)) player is playing/fetching data?

Unknown | July 3, 2010 at 4:38 PM


Not really a solution, but it works for me... because I only listed to streaming audio when I'm at work or in my car (and thus plugged in), I set the Pandora option to keep screen on when playing... But you are requesting screen timeout, so I'll assume you are unplugged.

Does increasing the traffic time help? I've never fully understood how the traffic time/data amounts work, I always leave it at default... but maybe increasing the traffic time to 3 minutes, would mean that it waits for 3 minutes to see if there's any traffic? this would allow for song changes.

eham | July 4, 2010 at 9:12 PM

Thanks for the input @jettrue.

However, I am indeed unplugged, and I'm in Sweden, so no Pandora for me :( (Besides, battery time being what it is on the Desire, I WANT the screen to sleep!)

I tried fiddling about with the traffic time thingy (although I didn't completely understand what it was either). I would've thought the default setting would more than suffice, and increasing the time (max is 2 min) did in fact not help.

Either the Traffic Time control isn't doing anything/working, or I still have not understood what it does...

TimK | July 4, 2010 at 9:39 PM

Hey elam,

I'm kind of guessing here, but if your cloud-based players are playing songs that last much longer than two minutes, there are probably longish intervals where no data is being transferred -- especially if you're on 3G.

My understanding of the Traffic control is that it will keep the data connection alive if at least the specified amount of data is transferred during the specified period of time. E.g., if at least 50KB of data is transferred during a 30-second period, JD will keep the data connection alive (or, at least, will not turn it off).

A song that lasts three minutes when you play it might well take 30 seconds or less to transfer from the cloud to your phone. Once it's transferred, it will sit on your phone during playback, and no data will be transferred. That could cause JD to turn off the data connection.

Obviously this is dependent on how your cloud-based player works, but that's my guess.

Best regards,

eham | July 4, 2010 at 10:03 PM

@Tim: I fear you're right.

The player (Moozone) does in fact seem to take about 20-30 second to cache the song; then, as you suggest, probably fetches nothing for the remaining 3-4 minutes. Meaning that JD's 2 minutes is way to short a time for this type of app.

So one solution would be to extend the Traffic Time "Time" meter. Or play only Ramones songs. Not a big Ramones fan.

Unknown | July 8, 2010 at 12:25 AM


Thanks for this excellent software ! :)

Just a little suggestion about "Peak" function :
- make possible to use another mode than "apn always on" during peak period.

For example : usually i have "APN 1 minutes every 15 minute".
In Peak, i would like havinh "APN 30 second every 5 minute"

Just to sync more often, but also to save the battery :)

Thank you by advance.



Unknown | July 8, 2010 at 12:29 AM

Sorry for the double comment :

Another thing : I'm french so i have a french version.

There are some thing translated in french and others in english ^^'

It's not annoying but it's just to tell it :p

BLOG Owner | July 8, 2010 at 10:01 PM

Trying to buy and google checkout keeps failing. Tried two valid cards and nada. I hope you get my money :)

Unknown | July 9, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Juice Defender used to work great on my HTC legend, but since the update it is worse than useless, and i've had to uninstall. Is there a way to download the previous version?

Unknown | July 11, 2010 at 1:03 AM

So I've been trying to figure out the best settings for this app. and I got up to x2.0.
I uninstalled it, uninstalled it, set the same settings for it and am now getting x1.20 and this randomly falls to 1.16, 1.14, etc.
Finally, everytime I reinstall it and enable it with easy mode it shows x-0.01....yes a negative symbol in front.
What's up with that??? I'm using an HTC aria.

Unknown | July 12, 2010 at 12:22 PM

my compliments, it's really a amazing app.
Just a little request please: talking about timeout screen, could you please add an option to activate lock screen on boot too? It's really unpleasant that a common jerk can simply turn off and on your phone to unlock it. :D
Thank you and keep working on it.
Best regards!

Ulf Strandberg | July 14, 2010 at 6:35 PM

Hi JD and UJ does not work with my SE X10-mini, it just shot down after leaving the app. The app wants to do the setup nearly every time i come back to the app.

Failquail | July 19, 2010 at 2:26 AM

Tried this app today, very impressed and brought the paid version already :D

you might want to put a notice up for HTC Desire users at least. The program flat out failed to work* until i rebooted the phone (only found this out after a bit of googling) but after doing so it then worked flawlessly

*went from enabled to disabled everytime you took the program out of focus (ie: home button, power button.) initial setup rerun everytime the program got loaded too.

Barney | July 22, 2010 at 6:29 AM

Help. 1.84 worked great. When I turned on my EVO I would see that the data was turn off (3g icon disappeared. It was working perfectly. Then I update to 1.85 then to 1.86 on my EVO. Still no luck. When I turn off my EVO the 3G icon is not lit but I I can see the 3g icon. Please repost 1.84.

GettCouped | July 22, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Hello, Great app! unfortunately the AOSP helper doesn't install on a rooted vibrant. The App now doesn't work properly. I don't know if I can do some sort of log.

Unknown | July 22, 2010 at 6:43 PM

I have a question,

On the log, should it be saying "data disabled" after the schedule ends? Mine doesn't say this most of the time so... wanted to see if it was working.

I am on the 30 seconds in 5 minute data schedule mode

Anonymous | July 23, 2010 at 12:22 AM

I've found that if I have a problem after updating Juice Defender, it can usually be solved by uninstalling then reinstalling the app.

Kepster | July 23, 2010 at 1:15 AM

Why does jd change my data connection from 2g to. 3g eventhough I disabled 3g toggle. Annoying! It just happened with the .8 version.

Unknown | July 23, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Newest update fixed my issues =)

Barney | July 24, 2010 at 6:17 AM

1.88 Works great on my EVO. Let's me have 50% after 6am to 5pm. Thanks you.

Unknown | July 25, 2010 at 4:13 PM

which setting is better for the battery "enable WiFi/apn together" or "prefer WiFi"?

Unknown | July 27, 2010 at 9:07 AM

hey so 2 questions...

1) how do i get it to wear my emails will still come through even with the screen off? I figure i highlight the Apps tab then in Configure Apps, i dont know if i should click Email once (giving it a green line) or twice (giving it a red X).

2) will everything remain the same when the new Froyo update comes out? Like will it still dissconnect from 3g when the screen is off?

Unknown | July 29, 2010 at 2:32 PM

one question:

There is the "prefer wlan" option and this is really great when I'm in range of a known WLAN ... if not then it just needs more time to get a connection.
What about combining the "Location" feature of UltimateJuice with the "prefer wlan" to get something like "prefer WLAN when on location" option. And for all others the WLAN is not the prefered one ...
I think this would be a good enhancement ...

Karl Dane | August 1, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I'm yet another happy user of JD. I have one feature request: I love Froyo's tethering feature, and it would be great if I could mark the tethering app ('Wi-Fi Hotspot') in JD to keep the APN up. At the moment, the app doesn't show up in JD's app list.

DJ Droid on HTC Desire

Many thanks,


Unknown | August 1, 2010 at 7:19 PM

Problem on Desire after FroYo update (yes, official HTC update for Desire arrived today): I have set that Data/Wifi should be only enabled "2min any 30 mins" when screen is off.
Even when log-entries say that Wifi/Data was disabled by JD the JuicePlotter (and my personal tests) say that the WIfi/Data was not disabled ... I also have redone the setup (just in case something is different after update).
Any idea? Bug with FroYo?

Unknown | August 3, 2010 at 12:51 AM

Just want to say: It works perfect on a HTC Desire with Custom Defrost 2.5a ROM (2.2 Froyo without Sense) and Radio

Unknown | August 5, 2010 at 10:41 PM

I'm loving my Ultimate JuiceDefender, but I've been experiencing two problems I was hoping you could help me with:

1. Whenever I enable the WiFi control, I can never seem to hold a WiFi connection (it turns off the WiFi Power Control Widget). I've tried all the various settings and nothing seems to work. As a result, I've had to resort to disabling the entire WiFi control.

2. Is there a way to add Backup Assistant to the Configure Apps menu? It doesn't show up on the list for some reason.



Unknown | August 6, 2010 at 1:11 AM

Nice app

Jean-Christophe | August 6, 2010 at 5:00 PM

THANKS A LOT, it works fine fine fine... (HTC DESIR)

Unknown | August 7, 2010 at 2:08 AM

Something I forgot to ask in my previous post...

I just installed Lookout mobile security, which appears to have installed in the notification area. I'm concered how this will integrate with Ultimate JuiceDefender.

Since there's no way of telling when or how often this program needs to use background data, I'm concerned that Lookout will be prevented from working due to the AVN schedule (1m every 15m). On the other hand, if I use the UJB's "configure app" function to add Lookout (which I've already done), I would think that AVN will be on constantly since the program is visible in the notification area.

Can you help me out with all of this?

lowne | August 15, 2010 at 7:36 PM

Sorry everybody for the lack of updates. I'm painfully trying to move the whole thing to a better infrastructure... So: new website, new support forum! Hopefully it'll be more manageable than the email- or comments-based "DIY" way...

If you're having issues or want to suggest a feature, head over to http://feedback.latedroid.com ;)

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