Paperdroid beta soon!

After (not that) much sweating, Paperdroid is finally getting somewhat close to at least resembling something that vaguely pretends to be a functioning app.
Paperdroid will be - hopefully - a mobile offline reading app a là Instapaper (whence the unconceivably original name) - which happens to be the only app I miss after The Big Switch to the Android platform.
Initially, and perhaps indefinitely, it will support the very much excellent (and free) service Read It Later that provides an almost amazing public API. Innumerable kudos are in order for that fine guy.

Beta testers wanted!

UPDATE: as of November 2009 Paperdroid Release Candidate is available to the public. Thanks to all the betatesters for their invaluable help!
Ok, so after this magnificient official (haha, right) announcement, let's get back to business: if you are willing to assist in bug-hunting and missing-feature-whining (believe it or not, I actually do the latter myself) please drop me a line at or leave a mail-address-powered comment below - ey es ey pi! Or maybe a little later. Just don't procrastinate till 2012, it's gonna be too late then. For, like, anything. Really. Heh. Well, probably.
Anyway, it's a matter of days before the thing is ready for primetime uncontrollable factory-wiping-with-added-bricking-just-for-good-measure of your lovely phones.

Just kidding Take that as a dead-serious disclaimer But I hope nothing of that sort ever happens, ever.


lowne | October 3, 2009 at 1:14 AM

I'm really sorry to write this, but it is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, so there you go:
FIRST! (cue in iconic (can soundwaves be iconic?) evil laugh)

Patrick Schless | November 4, 2009 at 8:07 PM

I'm interested in being a tester.

lowne | November 5, 2009 at 8:11 PM

Please see the latest post :)

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